
Showing entries 1021 - 1040 out of 1059


BERGER BARBARA, HOCH BIRGIT, KAVKA GERHARD, HERNDL GERHARDJ. Bacterial metabolism in the River Danube: parameters influencing bacterial production. Freshwater Biology. 1995 Jan 1;34(3):601-616. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.1995.tb00916.x

Moeseneder MM, Herndl GJ. Influence of turbulence on bacterial production in the sea. Limnology and Oceanography. 1995 Jan 1;40(8):1466-1473. doi: 10.4319/lo.1995.40.8.1466

Muller-Niklas G, Heissenberger A, Puskaric S, Herndl GJ. Ultraviolet-B radiation and bacterial metabolism in coastal waters. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 1995 Jan 1;9(2):111-116. doi: 10.3354/ame009111



Gaviria-Melo S. Crustacean Plankton of a high altitude Tropical lake: Laguna de Chingaza, Colombia. In Memories SIL Congress Barcelona 1992. Vol. 25. Stuttgart. 1993. p. 906-911. (Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Limnologie).

Herndl GJ, Müller-Niklas G, Frick J. Major role of ultraviolet-B in controlling bacterioplankton growth in the surface layer of the ocean. Nature. 1993 Jan 1;361(6414):717-719. doi: 10.1038/361717a0

Gaviria-Melo S. Aspectos limnológicos de las lagunas de Chingaza. In Andrade GI, editor, Carpanta: Selva Nublada y Páramo. Bogotá: Fundación Natura, Colombia. 1993. p. 199-215

Showing entries 1021 - 1040 out of 1059