The award for the Best Talk of Science Day 2017 goes to Isabelle Zink for her talk:
"Switching roles: How the antivirus system CRISPR is used to...
Keynote Speaker Nicholas S. Fisher
"Bioaccumulation in marine organisms and the case of cesium originating from the Fukushima disaster"
Fr, 9 June...
"Der Stickstoffkreislauf: Bedeutung in verschiedenen Umweltsphären"
"CRISPR-mediated genome editing in Sulfolobus solfataricus"
Tu, 16 May 2017, 3:30 p.m., Übungsraum 6, UZA 1
Christa Schleper as sheds light on her views of the origin of life.
LTAS Seminar coming up with Philipp Weber giving a talk on "Septal MreB-mediated cell widening in longitudinally dividing rod-shaped symbionts"