An international consortium with participation of MOSYS team members Palak Chaturvedi, Arindam Ghatak and Wolfram Weckwerth has published the genome...
New fractionation technique for assigning metabolites to their subcellular localization developed by L. Fürtauer, W. Weckwerth and T. Nägele.
ICRISAT will partner the Vienna Metabolomics Center, University of Vienna, to study drought tolerance in chickpea and analyze the two-line hybrid...
The Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich has appointed Dr. Nägele as professor for Evolutionary Cell Biology of Plants.
"How can we save our climate" asks the University of Vienna this semester. Wolfram Weckwerth gives an insight on the role which plants and Green...
The Symposium "Building blocks of Life – from Metabolomics and Proteomics to Systems Biology" was jointly organized by The University of Vienna,...